Hemp oil is becoming a popular wellness supplement for a variety of reasons. Some people claim that hemp oil has incredible health benefits, while others use it as an alternative to other oils and supplements. Hemp oil can be used both orally and topically, making it a versatile option for many people. However, some people are unsure if all hemp oils contain CBD. Let's take a closer look at this topic to help clear things up.
So what's the short answer
Short answer: yes, all hemp contains CBD (cannabidiol). But just because the plant contains it, doesn't mean that all hemp derived oils contain CBD. It depends on which part of the hemp plant is used.
Which leads us to the long answer.
The long answer is (as with many things in the hemp niche) a little more complicated. Hemp may contain only trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but it often contains large amounts of CBD, which has been found to be a useful compound. Hemp oil and cbd oil are interchangeable terms since both are used to refer to products that do contain CBD. These oils use extracts from flowers of the hemp plant, which is where CBD comes from.
On the other hand, hemp seed oil is is different. It's still hemp, but its made only from the plant's seeds which are free of both THC and CBD.
Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. Research has shown that CBD may have some therapeutic and medical benefits. The use and sale of cannabis-derived CBD was decriminalized in the United States by the 2018 Hemp Act, and its popularity and availability have since increased across the US.
Are CBD and cannabis the same thing?
Cannabis belongs to the Cannabaceae family. Hemp is a variety of Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica, both species of cannabis. Hemp has a very reduced THC content when compared to it's sibling, marijuana. The amount of THC allowed by law in hemp varies from country to country. In the U.S., hemp, or industrial hemp, contains only small traces of THC, which by legal definition is less than 0.3% THC in dry flower weight. Hemp contains much more CBD and there are many varieties of hemp that have been bred specifically to contain elevated amounts of CBD for therapeutic and medical purposes. CBD can have many beneficial effects, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties.
To recap, CBD and cannabis are not the same thing.
Cannabis is a genus of the cannabanaceae plant family, while CBD is a cannabinoid (aka chemical compound) that is present in cannabis plants, especially hemp.
And like we mentioned earlier, where there is hemp, there is not always CBD, depending no the part of the plant we are talking about. So the other difference to keep in mind is between hemp seed oil and CBD oil. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant and contains fatty acids, vitamin E, and protein. CBD oil is extracted directly from hemp plants, including the stems, stalks, leaves and flowers of mature hemp plants.
How CBD is extracted affects the final product, with certain extraction methods producing a purer and purer oil. In addition, full spectrum CBD oil may provide an environmental effect whereby terpenes and cannabinoids act synergistically on the endocannabinoid system.
How much CBD is in hemp?
Hemp contains varying amounts of CBD and can be diluted to produce more. The average cannabis plant contains between 12 and 18% CBD.
The three different types of CBD products:
- Isolate: Isolates contain only CBD, so you do not benefit from the synergies between cannabinoids.
- Broad-spectrum: Broad-spectrum CBD oils contain other terpenes and cannabinoids, but zero THC.
- Full-spectrum: Full spectrum CBD oils contain many terpenes and cannabinoids, including trace amounts of THC (up to 0/3%).
What part of the cannabis plant contains CBD?
Most cannabinoids (including CBD) and terpenes are found in high concentrations in the flowers of the cannabis plant. Be warned that traces of CBD and THC can be found in the whole plant, including the stem, stalk and leaves. However, you will not find CBD or THC in the seeds or roots. (This is what we use!). The flowers and leaves contain most of the CBD, while the stem and stalks contain only trace amounts of CBD and other cannabinoids.
For best results, it is usually recommended to use full-spectrum CBD, which uses all that the plant has to offer. Both THC and CBD have been found to have a synergistic effect on the endocannabinoid system, and using the whole plant with all terpenes and cannabinoids is more likely to provide therapeutic benefits for those who wish to use CBD as part of their daily routine.
In conclusion
When you're looking for hemp, it's important to understand what is and isn't considered "hemp." Hemp has been around for thousands of years and was one of the first cultivated crops. It can be used in food, medicine, textiles, construction materials... but there are a few things to be aware of when shopping for this versatile plant. Not all hemp contains CBD (cannabidiol). In fact, most varieties don't contain significant levels at all! And while some strains may have high levels of CBD that makes them great candidates for cannabis products like oils or edibles, you should have your plants and your yield tested to be sure.