Knowledge is Power.

  • Getting Back To Our Roots

    Getting back to our roots allows us reap the benefits of plants and their properties not commonly referenced in mainstream health & wellness literature. It’s not about going backwards; it’s about innovating for our future with reverence to practices and traditions of the past. Whether it’s Tr...
  • empyri & environment

    Reduce, reuse, recycle. We’ve all heard it. And hopefully, we’ve all practiced it in different ways. Most of us who are lucky enough to live in communities with access to regular recycling services have mastered the last one. More and more thrift, vintage and second-hand stores popping up in our ...
  • Good Clean Fun in 2021

    Base layer You want to go Alicia Keys all natural in 2021? I mean you’re working from home indefinitely and your dog certainly doesn’t care if you have a symmetrical cat eye. Supporting your skin in its most naturally beautiful state starts with clean skin. You used all your spare time in quarant...
  • I'm Dreaming of a Cannabis Christmas!

    Tis the season! “Green Christmas” is taking on a whole new meaning this year, especially since many around the world will be celebrating the holidays in some type of quarantine. Forbes contributor Julie Weed writes, “2020 might be a very green Christmas for the cannabis industry” as the industry ...
  • Tips for Tackling Dry Skin This Winter

    Colder days are upon us, and so might be the woes of winter skin. Winter climates are intense – temperatures below freezing, frigid winds and indoor heating that sucks every last drop of humidity from the air. Not to mention shorter days, scraping the snow off your car in the morning and trying n...