There are so many benefits of coffee scrub on skin, from removing dead skin to preventing premature aging. Give this natural, DIY skin remedy a try today!What Is Dead Skin & How Does It Form? The term "dead skin" may sound scary (or even a bit gross) but it's nothing to be afraid of. All you need is a little exfoliation to keep dead skin from becoming a problem. Cells in the body exist in a constant cycle of death and rebirth. This process is...Our daily routines have increased the amount of "pollution" exposure to our skin. As a result, washing one's face has become something of a necessary habit. If we rewind the clock by a few decades, people only had access to soap. Or, for the lucky few, various oils and creams (and even mudpacks) ...Les journées caniculaires de l'été touchent à leur fin. L'automne approche, apportant avec lui des chandails douillets, un temps froid et, pour beaucoup d'entre nous... des lèvres gercées. La sécheresse des mois d'automne et d'hiver signifie que beaucoup d'entre nous doivent chercher plus fréquem...Le savon au chanvre profite à tout le monde ! Il nettoie, hydrate et réduit les irritations de la peau. Sans THC ni CBD, il est sans danger pour les enfants et les personnes âgées.